The Road Home

Where two fabulous women spill most of their beans.


I just love the word this week, and the quote as well. It makes me smile everytime I read it. It's Friday, and that makes me happy!!!! I've got so much to get done today, it'll be really fun to see if i can fit everything in!!!! This is when I realize that I'm a bit crazy in the head. Fun to get 50 things done? Oh yeah, baby, that's fun. The day does involve cold frothy lagers, so that makes it GREAT!!!
Let me share just a few items on the list today, as we LOVE lists around here
1. Be at work by 4 am (Check)
2. Work my full day
3. do work for tomorrow, so I don't have to be here at 4 am
4. Have an extra 2 hour remote today 11am-1pm
5. run home, shower, pack an overnight back, grab the guitar, the dog, and the cooler
6. drive to Missouri
7. Set up for a concert tonight, (not anything huge, just a little accoustic set I've been singing at annually for about 8 years)
8. try to get some shopping done for a formal dinner tomorrow night
9. Sing till all the folks go home
10. Run to Julia's house
11. get a couple of hours of sleep before I have to be back in Arkansas for work at 10am tomorrow morning

do that, maybe grab a nap in the back of the truck, drink some beer, and possibly see the boyfriend PH. Yeah, I'll be bored today NOT
It's Friday, who cares?!!!???!! Julia, I'll join you in a happy dance today!!! Oh and for breakfast...powdered donuts and slimfast!!!!


It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. A beautiful day in the neighborhood. Won't you be? Won't you be? Won't you be my neighbor? I miss Mr. Rogers....

Ok, speaking of good blogs, I was looking over Windowsill Wendy's and she is definitly making it to the list of Greatest Blogs on Earth just for her post regarding marriage! (Read it Chesa, you will appreciate it!) Well, that and it is named Bathtub Gin, how cool is that?!

In other news, after a horrific meeting in the bosses office I just about got on his desk to do a happy dance that it would be my last meeting of that nature! I thankfully restrained myself.

Last night I did drive out in the country with hubby and made out like teenagers in the back of his truck. That was VERY nice, very nice indeed.

I don't know anything about being married. Not one damn thing. I know that I'm VERY leary of it. I know that it works for some, and not for others. I say this, not because there's talk of marriage, but because I feel like I'm married, with having a partner at work. It's been 16 weeks since we started this gig. The honeymoon is over, and we're learning to deal with each other at our worst, and at our best. The great thing about it is that I don't have to wake up next to him every morning. There are moments when my pa'dner surprises me though. Like the plan to steal our competition's station van. This is a big deal. The station van is your community connection. I found out that my pa'dner has a key to their van, and has been thinking of parking it some place of questional repute. How fun could this be? I feel a little prank coming on. Work has been extremely stressful, as we have 3 weeks left to be graded. It's passing so quickly, yet the constant bags inder my eyes will be gone in a mere month. ooda-lally!!!
The summer will be a good one, with a DAY OFF here and there, and lots of time with the puppy, and Julia. I think I can make it a few more weeks......


Damn, I feel good today!!! Here is why:

1. I had an incredible sex dream last night and woke up extremely horny!!! (the dream was about an ex boyfriend from SEVEN years ago, which is weird, tho. He was always good in bed!!!!
2. My toenails are pained the perfect shade of hooker red.
3. My lipstick matches my toes.
4. Have a fantastic hair day.
5. It is already Wednesday! Only two more days left in this shit hole! HOORAY!
6. The weather is beautiful.
7. My boss and coworkers will be taking me out for drinks. Yay, free drinks!
8. My husband brings me a cup of coffee in bed every morning, can you beat that?
9. I'm a little bit tan from the weekend in the sun.
10.I LOVE reading every one of my links. I seriously have the BEST blogs linked on this page!


Memorial Day and Labor Day are my favorite holidays. They aren't like Christmas and Thanksgiving where you have family obligations and you have to spend time preparing and recovering. They are simply free days to do whatever you want. Like grade school recess without rules! I chose to spend mine with my husband, my best friend, and the dogs. We packed em up and headed to the creek with plenty of beer, food, and smokes. The sun was shining and the dogs were hyper. After we had spent enough time there to get a little bit of tan and wore the dogs out, sweet hubby took pups home and Chesa and I decided to go see her man in the hayfield. Ah, laying in the back of the pick-up truck watching clouds roll by while you smell fresh hay and drink beer and smoke. Does it get any better? I don't think so.

ps. Chesa, I'm so jealous you got laid this weekend. You suck.

Another weekend, and we lived through. There were some moments when that was doubted. My stress level jumped about 5 levels just walking in the building this morning, so excuse me if I haven't much to say. Julia will be making her job change next Monday, and I'm glad of that. Just having her here will make it a little brighter. I just keep saying "it's a 4 day week" even though I know I don't get a day off till about the middle of June. It just sounds better if I say "it's a 4 day week". Good thing I got to see my man this weekend, or I might be extremely hard to live with. I raise my coffee cup today to getting laid, to fast cars and faster women, and to afternoons in a hay field, in the back of the truck drinking beer with your best friend, and your dog.


The weekend is almost here!!! HOORAY!!!! I have been so incredibly bored at work, because like the first two weeks I was here, the last two weeks I have NOTHING to do!!!! So, I have been wasting my days away blogging, surfing, reading emails, blah, blah, blah...

So, anyways the weekend, hooray! I'm headed down with my hubby tonight to Fayetteville! I think we are going to the verry cool piano bar tonight, and tomorrow we are going to the Miss Gay Fayetteville pageant! I'm not sure why, since none of us are gay, it just sounds fun!

Sunday and Monday we haven't made plans yet. The only thing I can guarantee is alcohol consuption will be rampant! YAY!!!

ps. the filthy friday five answers are posted at The Pussy Ranch's comments box.

Have a great weekend everyone, be safe, be drunk, be crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!


So I was talking about a worry that I had when it comes to firemen not long ago.
Let's set the stage. I love firemen. I love firemen. Their arms, oh yummy, in those t-shirts they wear under their coveralls. They're always clean cut, and somehow always manage to be HOT! We (my partner and I at work) hosted a pancake breakfast at the firehouse a few weeks ago. Talk about a buffet line, and yeah, the pancakes were good too. Well, since we had such a blast with that, me and my pa'dner were invited to take a "civilian training course" at the firestation. Kick ass, minus the fact that fire is one of my greatest fears. Deal with the thorns to get to the roses, I guess. Once a week, a room full of great looking men, to "teach" me things. Oh what should happen if I pass out? Mouth to Mouth, possibly? This is what my dirty dreams are made of. To Serve and Protect, heehee
Here's the problem. How strong of a person am I? I am in love with a WONDERFUL man. He's everything I want to wake up to for the rest of my life. Let's throw Chesa into her equivilant of Temptation Island, and hope she makes it. I'm all about just looking, but this love thing is new, and I guess this is the big test. Here's to lovin' my man, and bless his heart, having my way with him after being so wound up from the fireman.
This may work out well after all.


heee, heee, I'm happy for you! And I'm happy that you'll be here soon.

Prudish Eyes Beware!

I realize you probably don't want to hear about my sex life, but I really don't care. I had some of the most incredible sex ever last night. It was one of those events where we kissed for about two hours without touching each other, then touched each other in the 'other' places before getting to the 'goodies' for about two hours. Can I just say, I love teasing?!?!?!?! Ahhhhh..... This is not a good exercise for new couples, but after being together for almost seven years, it was a great change of pace.
Sorry, I just had to share why I am so calmly, happily tired today..........


Well, I gave my two weeks notice to the boss man. He thankfully did not do the happy dance right in front of me, but after I left his office he shut the door and I'm sure I heard a small jig on the desk. In honor of the new job/old job thing in my life right now, I decided to make some lists. Why? Because everybody loves lists.

So, without any further ado....
Things I will NOT miss leaving this job.
1. Hearing Toni Braxton being played loudly in the next cube.
2. Not seeing the outdoors unless going out for a smoke.
3. The grey walls.
4. Working quite so close to the hubby.
5. Looking at spreadsheets, nearly everyday.
6. That complete BITCH that steals my work that the boss loves.
7. No benefits or bonuses.
8. Stupid sales reps that barely know how to open an email and make about 50 times what I do.
9. The ditz that the boss wants to fuck.
10.The disgusting, ugly creep that hits on me nearly everyday.

Things I WILL miss from this job.
1. Having my cube fully and completly decorated.
2. Three incredible friends I made.
3. Working this close to hubby.
4. Rockin PC with all my links and emails saved on it.
5. My huge whiteboard where everybody writes funny shit.
6. Reading blogs all day.
7. Friday afternoon meetings when the boss brings the drinks.
8. Extra adjustable comfy desk chair.
9. Writing copy.
10.Getting paid a decent amount of money for not doing a whole lot of work.

Now this makes me wonder....

I was noticing the tag on my new panties that I bought and was surprised to see the washing instructions saying the following...
Hand wash, warm water (ok, good with that)
Line dry, do not use bleach (another, no problem)
Warm iron if necessary (WHAT?!?!? Who the hell irons their panties???)

So, my question is, has anyone EVER ironed their panties? Am I crazy for not realizing this new trend?!


Do you ever feel like you are back in 5th grade, where now you can say....'I have a very best friend'? For most of my school years I was in a class with 6 boys and one girl besides me, and I didn't like the other girl. So, I was a tomboy, I played football, soccer, kickball, whatever the boys played. The girls in the classes ahead and behind me I thought were silly sitting on the sidelines have what I saw as no fun staring at my friends, the boys!!! In high school I had a few friends that were girls, but I mostly had boyfriends. I usually hung out with them and their guy friends. College, I had an extremely annoying room mate that was a HUGE drama queen. I was having none of that. After I moved down here I didn't have any friends. The only people I knew were my husbands relatives, which got REALLY boring after about five minutes. Until I took a job and met Sandy. Sandy was older than I was and invited me to go out with her all of the time. I usually didn't go, I'm really not sure why. Finally, my husband was out of town and Sandy invited me out yet again and I agreed to go. I had one of the best nights of my life. Who knew women could be less than completly selfish and caddy? Not me! I didn't get home until about four in the morning, drunk. Had a hell of a hangover, but deemed it worth it. I started going out with Sandy more often and eventually met Sandys best friend, Chesa. I thought Chesa was the biggest, most intimidating bitch on the planet when I first met her and for a long time after (sorry, ches). For a long time Sandy would throw us all together and I learned more about Chesa and started respecting her for being a very strong and beautiful person. Last summer Sandy, Chesa and I were inseperable. We have MANY secrets together that will never be spilled. Sandy has since made some mistakes with her life and we don't have much contact with her, but that is another story. The point is that Chesa and I have grown very close to each other over the past two years. Her last post got me to thinking about what a different person she has become and how much she has changed me. Chesa has been heard saying the following "I will NEVER get married", "I think I'm beyond finding love", and "I will NEVER have children". You have no idea how impossible that last post of hers is. She has finally met someone that doesn't try to lasso her and hold her down.

Chesa said to me a few months ago something that has stuck with me. She told me that she really didn't understand a healthy relationship and she often looked to my husband and I for a good example. This blew me away. In the past year and a half, my husband and I have gone through major differences and had a lot of problems. Most are now resolved and we have decided to stay together, but when she made that comment I was in the midst of contemplating leaving. I still wonder what she saw that made her say that, but it gave me a weird kind of pride in my relationship. It also made me look at my relationship from another angle and helped me to understand things a bit better. Basically, she changed the course of my life with that comment. I wonder if I have made her change the course of her life by being her friend. I wonder if I'm not part of the reason she is now in love with a great guy. I know that since we have known each other she has softened up a lot. If she would have met this guy a year earlier, she would have stopped calling him after about two weeks, I know that for sure. She would have found another flavor of the week and moved on.

It all makes me wonder how much of life is destiny and how much we can make up as we go along. I think maybe we do meet certain people for certain reasons. Maybe I am part of a master plan. I feel like it lifts a burden off of my shoulders, like thank god, it's NOT all up to me.

Sorry for getting so deep in this post, back to drunken ramblings soon......

Love has got to be the most popular song subject. How many songs do we know about love? Either good love, or bad love, love gone wrong, love reconsiled (sp?)...we learn about love so early in our lives, with cupids and lacey valentines at an early age, or the love our parents do or do not share. We grow up with love, the absence of it, or the strange distorted version of my own family. Oh, we love that old green pinto from high school, we love butter pecan ice cream, we love drinking beer. We love all these things and more. I could do a "top 50" of things I love. My dog would make the list, my guitar would make the list, and my Texas Flag that hangs in my living room would make the list. But when he whispers the words " I can't even imagine myself without you. I can not look into the future and not see you. My favorite thing is being amazed by you everyday" it seems to make everything else pale in comparison.


I'm at work now, getting ready for a remote. My partner and I have been so busy this quarter, I almost forgot how much I love my job. With all the charity work, and appearances, it feels like everyone just wants something from us, just needs us, and forgets that we're people sometimes, AND THAT WE NEED A DAY OFF. Not many, maybe just 2 a month. Well, it's been over a month since we've had a remote from our favorite club, and I realize that we need that "cut loose' part to keep us balanced. We'll be at each other's throat somedays, just because we haven't had a chance to unwind or relax since January. We're going to fix that tonight. It's club remote time, which means I not only look FAB, but it'll be a blast. You'd just have to know me to know my relationship with cowboy boots, of which I'm wearing a pair with my fav khaki skirt tonight. A beer, some rowdy people, and your number one rated mornign radio show all in one place. I feel better already.

I have good news. I overpaid my taxes by $300!!! way to make my day


The times of change. So many things happening in my life. Most are for the good. I'm really sick with strep throat right now, so writing is definitly my choice avenue for communication right now! This week is going to be extremely busy. My step son is graduating, so there are parties to be thrown and ceremonies to attend. My Dad is in town and my Mom is flying down on Thursday for the festivities. I almost got fired for having ethics this past boss wanted me to lie for him and I wouldn't do it. I have decided to quit this job and take the job at Chesa's company in Fayetteville. I will be living with her during the week for the most part. My husband is having some adjustment issues with this, but I think he will be OK. He is already emotional with son graduating and a close friend of the family dying yesterday. He'll make it though, he's a tough guy. Sometimes he can be REALLY emotional though. This week is definitly going to be one of those times. I feel like a new chapter is starting and I'm excited about the prospects. Wish me luck!


You need a break......., skipping with jelly beans? Poor Julia, she's overworked. She needs a good road trip, on a sunny afternoon, with a cooler of Miller Light, and some sexy sunglasses. We can stop at every road-side fruit stand, picking up peaches and strawberries that are warm from the sun, mmmmmm, then sing along to "UNA MAS CERVESA....." That's the cure for whatever ails ya!! It was a good weekend though, minus the fact that I had to be civil with my family. The entire dinner was composed of the interigation on my personal life, and when I was having kids, and getting married, and when was I gonna catch up with my little brother, whos daughter we just all adore. My preacher grandfather even included this line in the lunchtime prayer "bless all the mothers here, and bless those who will be mothers some day, even if they don't except that now." MMMM, I have brothers. No other sisters, and consequently, the only female at the table without a chain around their neck, um, sorry, I mean husband and kids. I wonder who he was talking to in that one? Being the quiet, shy, reserved gal that I am, I offered to take my lunch on the patio with the fountain statues, as they were better company. That stopped the nagging about 10 minutes. Did you know that if you mix an Amaretto Sour just right, it looks like iced tea? "Can I pour you some more tea?" "NO!! I'll get it thanks" After all was said and done, I had enough sanity left to get to Julia's house. She was waiting with beer in the fridge, she knows the way to my heart!!! After seeing a particularly charming young man last night, ok, the man I love, I've decided how to deal with the time they give me hell about having kids, I'll tell them that we're working at it every chance we get, and if they want to pitch in for the condom fund, I'm ok with that. I think that should do it!!!


Wow, I just had an 80's flashback. Does anyone remember Roos Shoes? The sneakers with the pockets in them? I used to store everything from candy to money in mine. I wish I had a pair right now, I'd fill the pockets with jelly beans and skip everywhere.

Picky bitch ;)

oh, and darling Julia, I believe the word is spelled Mapache

You know what I'm addicted to? That's this trendy little Mountain Dew AMP energy drink. By the time Friday rolls around, getting to work at 4 am is kicking my ass. It takes real will power to roll out of bed, make coffee while the dog is outside, then stumble back up stairs for a shower. I even look like a pile of poop. My favorite blue jeans, a mans striped button front shirt, and my "mom loafers". At least my make up is looking good, not that it matters in my job. I ramble because of the energy drink. These are the measures I fall to after they take Ephedra out of my damn diet pills. Maybe I like being crazy every morning.
Oh, and I'm a bit worried as well, though we'll elaborate more on that in the coming days. Something to do with fireman......


I can't help it, I'm addicted. There I said it, I love 'The Bachelor'! I can't help it! How can I not? They are all so perfectly tacky and awful! The girls show their claws like crazy.

I watched it last night, and that moron, Andrew got rid of Tina Fabulous (who is from my hometown, so i loved her). The best part was when she was riding away in the limo, not a tear to shed and said "It's ok, I can't see myself barefoot and pregnant in a vinyard anyways. That would be so NOT fabulous." Right there I died perfect.

Chesa, I really don't even know how to thank you for being such a great friend. I was thinking last night how I needed to talk to you to make sure you didn't feel like I was trying to crowd you out of your life. I know I have a tendency to do that, but I want to make sure it does NOT happen in this instance. I want to make sure this decision will not endanger our friendship whatsoever. I think we will be ok not stepping on each others toes in the office because of the varying hours and working in different buildings. I just don't want to invade your home space. I know you enjoy living by yourself most of the time and I don't want to end up having you resent me for being around. So, please promise me we will communicate immediatly if you are feeling clausterphobic!!!

Oh, and 'The Boys from Oklahoma roll their joints all wrong......'

Una mas cervesa, por favor, senorita, damn it, now I'm singing it. Along those lines, someday we'll grab a car, a cooler, and some maps of Mexico, and drive south one day.

this is a message specifically for Julia. I jsut want you to know that if you need something while you're deciding the next step in your life, you know I'll do what I can. My house is your house, anything I have, if you need it, it's yours. I want you to be happy, and if a new job will do it, then I'm all about it. Personally, I am looking forward to having your personality as a factor in what I feel like I'm failing at, and that's winning this town. You'll be such a shot in the arm for all involved here, especially me. I laugh when I think of how the other account reps will be chasing their own asses, trying to figure out just what in god's name you're doing to make then look so bad. Like I said, if you need something, just holler, and I hope your new endevor brings you closer to the person you want to be, especially, if that person is making more money.


I'm young, and I have much to accomplish. All this talk about death and tornados has gotten me thinking of all the shit I need to get done. I'm kinda strange that way, I think life is made up of those wild crazy moments you can tell stories about for years. So, I'm making a list of crazy shit to do. I've included some shit I've read about, and some shit friends have done, as noted. Feel free to add suggetions in the comments box.
1. Do a crazy drunk throw up on someone famous (debie)
2. Slap every person's ass at a party where I know nobody (
3. Break into city pool in middle of night for drunk skinny dippin (wait, I already did that one - oops)
4. Make out with local mucisian hottie (MC) (I just should)
5. Get into a bar fight. (not just trash talkin, either)
6. Go to Mardi Gras (maybe get some beads)
7. Make out in the backseat of an old car at the drive in movies (just because)
8. Go to Vegas and bet it all (even if that just means what is in my pocket)
9. Throw a drink in a man's face or lap (depending on the situation)
10.Wake up naked in the sand in Mexico, singing 'Una mas cervesa, por favor, seniorita'

It was a weekend indeed!!!! I just laughed out loud remembering the "SHOW YOUR BOOBS" hahahaha
the laughing is rare these last few days, as I am so sad about the damage on the little town we love. There seems to be so much to do, and no where to start. I may head that way again today, see what I can do.


Oh what a weekend……

It felt like about four weekends in one. Let’s start from the top.

I drove down to Fayetteville (the semi-city) for my job interview. Boss man was over an hour late from my meeting, which was peeved me, but what can ya do? The meeting went well over all. He offered me the job whenever I want it, now or two years from now. Unfortunatly the money he offered wasn’t the greatest. He guaranteed me that I could double what I am making now within six months, but what I will make within those six months will barely buy me dog food to eat. I’m a little worried about that, because it puts so much pressure on me. So, I think I will send him an email today and tell him I would like to think on it some more. I hope he might come back with a better offer. The job itself sounds pretty exciting and I would probably like it. I would like to make a decision about it by the end of this week.
After the interview I went out with Chesa and my new possible co-workers for a few beers at the streetside bar. We had a great time and chatted it up. After that bar, we decided that we needed to hear some horrifying karaoke at a bar down the block. We stayed there for a few drinks then decided to head home, since I was going to drive all the way back to Missouri that night. Well, I go to get into my truck (borrowed the hubby’s vehicle that night) and it wasn’t there!!!!!!!!! As horrible visions went through my head I chased Chesa down in the parking lot before she could leave since my phone was in the truck! I thankfully caught her as she was peeling out. I told her my truck was gone and we made frantic phone calls to her boyfriend trying to determine where my truck could be. After a phone call to the police station, which I’m still trying to figure out why that phone number was on Chesa’s speed dial, they told me that my truck had been towed and gave us another number to call. So, we called the tow place and they confirmed they had my truck and gave us directions on how to get it. They also told us we needed a drivers license (check) and $80 cash (WHA?!?!??) to get it back. I NEVER carry cash, only cards, thankfully Chesa had cashed her check or I would have been giving blowjobs on the corner. Just like a movie we drive into this horrific neighborhood and meet the most discusting man at the hole in the shit wall place and get my truck. Whew! Flew off to Missouri and my husband has NO idea that his truck was ever lost!
Headed back down to Fayetteville with husband in tow for night of debauchery, YAY! Took Chesa to dinner where the waiter seriously thought that she and I were my husbands ‘bitches’. Played that for all it was worth.
Then met up with Chesa’s boyfriend and friend from work. Went to Pat Green concert that absolutely ROCKED. If you don’t know who that is, I highly recommend any of his LIVE cd’s!!!! Oh, yeah. The warm up band was local and completely SUCKED ASS! As the warm up band was playing one of their (thankfully) last songs, there was a part that he said, when we say this…You say such and such. Well, we couldn’t understand what we were suppose to say so, K., a friend from work responded with ‘Show us your boobs’ to the 400 lb. front man at every interval. We of course joined in with happy abandon. It was quite the hit. When Pat came on, he was of course barefoot and doing many tequila shots….ah, the fun of it. By the end of the night Chesa had done about 3-4 wild turkey shots and we were all covered in beer and VERY drunk, how fun! So, went back to Chesa’s and passed out. Oh, yeah and there was some makin out in the bar, that was fun too. Heehee!
Here is where things get exciting, no really. Hubby and I came home after much sleeping in and greasy hangover food. We were sitting watching tv, checking the radar to make sure nasty storm was going to miss us. As I was doing some laundry I looked out the window and saw a cloud coming down into a V and made my husband come look. He went outside for a closer look, came running in about five seconds later and ordered me into the pantry (our tornado hangout). A few seconds later the sirens were going full blast. This thing took out the entire town about 4 miles west of my house. If you kept up with the news yesterday you probably saw pictures. Chesa and I both have an abundance of very close friends whose complete city and some homes are obliterated. At my home, we were without power from Sunday night, to last night at about 10pm. It was hands down the most frightening experience I have ever lived through. As I sat on the floor of the pantry I wondered who I knew that it was hitting. I finally saw a newspaper last night that had pictures and caught some local news coverage after the power came on and it was horrifying. Chesa, myself, and our other best buddy have had so many good times in that town. Memories started flooding back to me and I finally cried. I really don’t even want to write more about it right now. Just, please if you believe in God, pray for the people that lost their town.


just a quickie this morning. I just wanted to vent my disgust in my morning show partner. Every morning, I come in, do my job, and have to deal with one of the most typical, loud males on the planet. Between the burps and the farts, the female slamming, it keeps me busy. I enjoy it, it makes the show interesting, but it's too much today. AHGHAGHAGHG


I'm glad you're on your way Julia, as this town needs a little action. heehee Street side is always a good thing. Peach margaritas will just hit the spot today. I'm sure they'll love you, and as always, you'll look great!!! The "baby" is doing good, she's just sleeping alot these days, I'm so jealous.
Get here soon, I miss you


Ok, so I'm going to my meet a potential employer tomorrow in the semi-city where Chesa lives. I'm so excited because I ALWAYS have a great time when I go to see Chesa!!! AND I get to meet her new little puppy that has yet to be named. AND we will be having drinks streetside at least once tomorrow, basking in the sunshine! YAY!!!

The big question is.....What will I WEAR?!?!?!? AGHAGHAGH!!!

I'll let ya know how it goes!

love the happy thoughts!!! :)