The Road Home

Where two fabulous women spill most of their beans.


Memorial Day and Labor Day are my favorite holidays. They aren't like Christmas and Thanksgiving where you have family obligations and you have to spend time preparing and recovering. They are simply free days to do whatever you want. Like grade school recess without rules! I chose to spend mine with my husband, my best friend, and the dogs. We packed em up and headed to the creek with plenty of beer, food, and smokes. The sun was shining and the dogs were hyper. After we had spent enough time there to get a little bit of tan and wore the dogs out, sweet hubby took pups home and Chesa and I decided to go see her man in the hayfield. Ah, laying in the back of the pick-up truck watching clouds roll by while you smell fresh hay and drink beer and smoke. Does it get any better? I don't think so.

ps. Chesa, I'm so jealous you got laid this weekend. You suck.


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