The Road Home

Where two fabulous women spill most of their beans.


So I was talking about a worry that I had when it comes to firemen not long ago.
Let's set the stage. I love firemen. I love firemen. Their arms, oh yummy, in those t-shirts they wear under their coveralls. They're always clean cut, and somehow always manage to be HOT! We (my partner and I at work) hosted a pancake breakfast at the firehouse a few weeks ago. Talk about a buffet line, and yeah, the pancakes were good too. Well, since we had such a blast with that, me and my pa'dner were invited to take a "civilian training course" at the firestation. Kick ass, minus the fact that fire is one of my greatest fears. Deal with the thorns to get to the roses, I guess. Once a week, a room full of great looking men, to "teach" me things. Oh what should happen if I pass out? Mouth to Mouth, possibly? This is what my dirty dreams are made of. To Serve and Protect, heehee
Here's the problem. How strong of a person am I? I am in love with a WONDERFUL man. He's everything I want to wake up to for the rest of my life. Let's throw Chesa into her equivilant of Temptation Island, and hope she makes it. I'm all about just looking, but this love thing is new, and I guess this is the big test. Here's to lovin' my man, and bless his heart, having my way with him after being so wound up from the fireman.
This may work out well after all.


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