The Road Home

Where two fabulous women spill most of their beans.


I'm young, and I have much to accomplish. All this talk about death and tornados has gotten me thinking of all the shit I need to get done. I'm kinda strange that way, I think life is made up of those wild crazy moments you can tell stories about for years. So, I'm making a list of crazy shit to do. I've included some shit I've read about, and some shit friends have done, as noted. Feel free to add suggetions in the comments box.
1. Do a crazy drunk throw up on someone famous (debie)
2. Slap every person's ass at a party where I know nobody (
3. Break into city pool in middle of night for drunk skinny dippin (wait, I already did that one - oops)
4. Make out with local mucisian hottie (MC) (I just should)
5. Get into a bar fight. (not just trash talkin, either)
6. Go to Mardi Gras (maybe get some beads)
7. Make out in the backseat of an old car at the drive in movies (just because)
8. Go to Vegas and bet it all (even if that just means what is in my pocket)
9. Throw a drink in a man's face or lap (depending on the situation)
10.Wake up naked in the sand in Mexico, singing 'Una mas cervesa, por favor, seniorita'


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