The Road Home

Where two fabulous women spill most of their beans.


Taking Applications

It looks like Chesa is going to be moving fairly soon and while I am very happy for her and think she is making the right decision, I'm going to miss having her around. She is not only my best friend, but one of very few that lives anywhere near me. You must understand that in a town of 1500 people, I don't have a lot of options. You might think that I'm just a picky snob, but I assure you that this is not necessarily the case. Let me fill you in on my local friend requirements, and feel free to submit your applications.

1. Must live within 50 miles of me.
2. Must not live in a trailer. I know that sounds snobbish, but if you saw the trailerparks around here, and there are plenty, you would understand.
3. You can have children, but you can't have more than 2 with different fathers. And you must be able to identify all of the fathers.
4. Must not have anything 'stonewashed' in your closet.
5. Must not be sleeping with more than 2 married men or be widely known as 'the town slut'.
6. Your boyfriend must not hit on me ALL the time, or try to look down my dress.
7. Must not be addicted to Meth or Crack. A little marjuana is fine as long as you are not the town's main supplier.
8. Must be able to hold your own in a bar fight.
9. Must have more to talk about than your kids.
10. Must not have slept with my husband, ever.

I realize that these don't sound like much, but I can honestly say that I don't know another single soul besides Chesa that meets them. I know, scary. Now you can see why I want to move as well. If I was really going for the gold, and wanted a friend that could even rival Chesa I would add the following requirements.

1. Must be able to take a shot of whiskey without flinching.
2. Must wear same shoe size as me so I can easily double my choices.
3. Must know how to go muddin in a jeep.
4. Must find all of my annoying qualities endearing.
5. Must not take shit off anybody.

I miss you already, Chesa.


Alien Husband

I'm pretty sure my husband has been taken over by aliens. Mind you, this is NOT a complaint! For the past few months he has been attentive, sweet and down right romantic! This weekend we are going away to one of my favorite little retreats and in April he has planned a trip to Key West, FL for our anniversary. In the past month I have received about 5 dozen roses at key times complete with cute cards. This is a man that couldn't even plan for us to go out to dinner a few months ago.
The question is, what caused the drastic change? Actually, I'm not quite sure what did it. I'm not sure if this was a decision that he came to on his own or if he has just reacted to me changing my behavior. And I have changed my behavior. I started putting a lot more effort into my appearance, I'm a lot happier now that I have my store and am not miserable for 8 hours of the day. I started working out again and have a lot more confidence in my body than I did for awhile there. I never really 'let myself go', but I put on a few extra pounds and started wearing baggier clothing for that reason and because I was doing manual labor on the store. Before that I was cooking in a restaurant and wore old t-shirts, jeans and bandanas every day with minimal make up, not a great look for me. You are probably wondering why I care what caused the change, as long as it changed, right? Well because if we ever get in that rut again I want to know how to get out of it again.
It probably occured because of the combination. I don't think it hurt that I did a few tricks in the bedroom that I hadn't done in awhile that made him sit up and pay attention. Its amazing what great sex will do for a relationship! I know, sex can't completly change a relationship, but it doesn't hurt it either!
So for now, life is good.


A cloudy Monday, and Julia's at the dentist. NO BUENO.
To make it better,
might I suggest that you get yourself some happy

personal recommendations to listen to the clips of:

-Shreveport to New Orleans
-Things Look Good Around Here
and my fav
-Rancho Grande


New Frontiers

Chesa and I have been discussing the option of leaving Missouri. Not together, not even at the same time, but leaving, just the same. I feel like I have learned a lot living here, but I feel the rest of the world calling me. I'm tired of living in a TINY town. I'm tired of the midwest look. I hate that there is no winter here, its cold but no snow so there is nothing to enjoy about it. I do love summer here, but its annoying to sit around and wait for it to get here. I will miss some of the people I have met here, but will enjoy not living soooo close to my husbands family. I liked them a whole lot better when I only saw them twice a year. So, I've been thinking about what I have gained from living here...

1. Driving back country roads for fun and entertainment.
2. Met Chesa here.
3. Going to the creek.
4. Mudding in a jeep.
5. Learned what a real cowboy is and appreciating it.
6. Started my own business.
7. Fixed my marriage up.
8. I can and prefer to live away from my family.
9. Its best not to be friends with the town slut.
10.Holding hands and watching the sunset from your front porch is always good.
11.Working for other people sucks.
12.The school system in the south is much further behind than the north.
13.Having to drive an hour to get to any decent clothing store is unacceptable.
14.Its good to have a bar where everybody knows your name.
15.People in the south are not always friendlier.

Those are just a few. I've learned a lot since moving here and grown up. I expect the same to happen when I move again. I won't leave for about two years but the planning is in the works, where to go, what to do to make money, yada yada. Lots of decisions to make, but they all seem to make me walk a little bit lighter because I know that I won't be stagnant.


A hint of spring
It's amazing how motivated I can be when the temperature is actually over 30 degrees. It was a nice weekend, and with the chance to open the windows in the house, turn on the tunes, I got some much accomplished. It rained all day Saturday, so it was one of those days you just want to nap, and lay around on the couch, so that's what I did. Sunday, however, was great. My house is clean, laundry put away, and me and my Cowboy man had a fantastic meal last night. It's suppose to be 70 degrees today, 70 DEGREES!!! There's no telling the amount of stuff I can get done now that that I'm not a shivering ball of cold all day.
I woke up this morning, before the alarm, which somehow always irritates me, but I took the opportunity to do some thinking this morning. My Cowboy man was alseep beside me, and that's rare all by itself, that he was able to stay all night, and not run home to take care of a bunch of measly cows, but back to my point. I thought about how much I loved this man, and how the person that I am now because I love him, and the learned ability to compromise because of him, all these make my life so much better. There's nothing better than that moment, when you know you've truly loved someone, that you've reached that point that all the Valentines Day stuff is about, when you understand all those cheesy love songs, and stand in awe for a moment at the gift that you have. It was then that a bittersweet moment crept in, as it does alot these days. It's a hard lesson to learn, a hard pill to swallow, as my grandad would say, to figure out that sometimes reality, and circustances aren't always so elated about your love. My cowboy man has made some choices, decided to save the family farm, and dedicate his life to fixing the mistakes that have been made by his family, in order to save the one thing that he's known his entire life. While that seems noble at first, after almost 3 years now, it's made me face reality, made me understand that you can't dedicate your life or time to someone you love, when it's already been alotted to something else.
So for now, especially on Valentines Day, I'll bask in the pink and red hearts, the sunshine, and the fact that all is fair in love and war.


Back from the dead

For the first time in a week, I actually feel human today. Also for the first time in a week I got to enjoy some java this morning. Thank God. I have been in constant pain and hell from one little ole tooth that was very angry. Special thanks to Chesa for putting up with my whining, passing out from pain, and all around taking care of me.

Texas was great in spite of tooth. Saturday I was actually feeling fairly decent with just a dull ache so I did get to enjoy the stock show and rodeo and dancing with cute college boys that offered things that were really HARD to pass up! I also drank an ass load of beer to numb my face into cooperating. I only screwed up one dance because I could not follow the guy at all and he was doing some sort of half step that I had never seen nor done before.

But here are some of the greatest/funniest moments of the trip.
10. Peeing in a mall parking lot at 3 in the morning.
9. Stoping at some hole in the wall tourist place and seeing pictures of the time when an 18 wheeler went through the building!
8. Seeing countless bull rider butts....Yow!
7. Flirting with cute guys while stuck in traffic.
6. Watching Chesa come REALLY close to getting in fight at the bar.
5. Chesa's VERY cute cousins....Mmmm.
4. Chesa's Very cute cousin's friends.....Double Mmmm.
3. Hearing Chesa sing in Texas.
2. Sitting on the deck drinking a beer in the SUNSHINE talking to my best friend and her Aunt and Uncle.
1. Getting the greatest compliment I have ever received from ANYONE EVER from Aunt A and Uncle W. If I could get a blood transfusion so I was related to these people, I would.

More sordid stories later...


Re Entering Society
It's that time of transition, of re-adjustment after experiencing a road trip. It can be stressful time, when you long for the wind in your hair, that numbness in your ass from sitting in one position for too long, when a greasy truck stop would be a welcome site.
Needless to say, we're back.
Back to alarm clocks, and time clocks, back to peeing in the same bathroom more than once. What a time Julia and I had. We did have an emergency dentist visit for Julia on Friday morning. Bless her heart. They gave her some meds, told her she needed a root canal, and sent her on her way. After some careful consideration, and a trip to a local pharmacy, we ensued our adventures, Julia with bottle of Jack Daniels in hand, for the pain of course...... She still had a rough time, but I think the meds worked their magic, and she got to enjoy the weekend. Not the same could be said about her today, as she's had the root canal, and is hibernating at home. More on Julia in a moment... If you're from Texas, been to Texas, or are an honoray Texan (like Julia) you know how great it is to be there. It's Stock Show and Rodeo time in Fort Worth, which is a big deal to folks there. Julia and I looked ABFAB. It's nice to get dressed up now and then, cause we're small town folks these days, and it's a rare treat. It was an evening of cowboys, cowboys, and cowboys. Between the rodeo, and just the "scenery" milling aroud the event, it was a good time for all!!! After the rodeo, it was time to go dancing, again, which is a big deal to folks in Fort Worth. We, as in me and my 15 cousins, aunt and uncle and a few friends, all danced, and drank, and came real near a bitch fight. It couldn't have been more fun. Julia and I spent the rest of the trip relaxing in the sunshine and warm tempertures, shopping, and just enjoying our time. Of all the things we did this weekend, all the fun we had just driving, and stopping at tourist traps, of all that, the most important thing about the weekend was just having Julia there. I know she wasn't feeling good, and when I offered to turn the nehicle around to go home, she stuck it out, stayed on her meds, which she hates, and made the trip a good time. I'm at a very unsettled time in my life, looking for change, and trying to decide the best thing to do, and Julia listened while I talked it all out. She listened when I cried in frustration, when I griped, and when I just was thinking outloud. For that, I'm truly thankful. I hope that you all get to experience a friendship like that.
It's time for me to get back to work today, and continue my quest of shopping for an expresso machine. I'm not sure why I need one, but I justify it by the fact that there isn't a Starbucks for over an hour from where I am living. It's just a shopping mode now, I haven't actually bought anything yet. Right now, I'm in love with the Candy Apple red model.


Poor Julia found out she must have a root canal on oure fab trip this weekend.... SHe has her appointment today, so we'll catch up on the road trip when I know she's home and resting.


Patience is a virtue....I guess

Well, so much for it warming up......there's 3 inches of snow on the ground. I did brave the cold yesterday, and got ole Jeepster ready for the trip. Soon it will be packed down enough clothes and shoes to provide for a small town. But, since this is the girl trip, there's also no one to complain about it. Julia and I couldn't be any more excited, especially after sitting through the meeting this morning with these wonderful women who were all friends, and telling jokes, and talking about riding was great. I have some great anticipation of this trip. I know it will be a blast, and we've planned it to be laid back and alotted time just to dance and shop, and all the things we don't get to around here. Just a stop by the bank, an appointment at the beauty shop, and this girl is ready to go....and we don't actually leave till tomorrow afternoon. It will be interesting to see if I can make it.

High Hopes

I wrote: "We just want to be those old ladies in the nursing home with stories that start with '...and then there was the time we were in Texas for Mardi Gras'...and somewhere in the story will the words - 'drunk, naked, incredible and all night'. "

Reply from male blogger friend: "Some poor young guy is going to have the ride of his life if he's charge with giving you old gals a sponge bath."

I was at a business meeting this morning and included in this meeting group are Chesa and myself in 30 years. No kidding, we will be these other two women who are now seniors and are best friends as well. The stories they have to tell are legendary and we just try to live up to them. Can we leave yet? I'm ready to get started on this Texas tale!


If I was ever involved in a threesome again it would either include Catherine Zeta-Jones or Danni Leigh or both.

The sun is actually shining here. It's hard to believe after so many cloudy days, but yes, the sun does still exist. It's very bright in my office, but I'll try to endure the glare on the monitor for a few more minutes, just so my little plants can finally get the love they need. It's a no-boss day, so now that I have time to blog, I can't think of much to talk about. Julia and I are still trying to get stuff together for the road trip, and I'm sure she's ahead of me. I usually pack a week before, but it seems there is so much to get done. I've decided to make myself put away clean laundry. Where is my motivation this week? I suddenly just want to sleep, plan for my trip, and then just leave. I'd like to just fast forward a few days, but then I'd be even more behind on getting stuff done. It's this dang cold weather. If it would warm up just a little I think I might want to move around. Either way, there's things to be done today, so while I'm still on my coffee buzz, I best get to it!!