The Road Home

Where two fabulous women spill most of their beans.


Re Entering Society
It's that time of transition, of re-adjustment after experiencing a road trip. It can be stressful time, when you long for the wind in your hair, that numbness in your ass from sitting in one position for too long, when a greasy truck stop would be a welcome site.
Needless to say, we're back.
Back to alarm clocks, and time clocks, back to peeing in the same bathroom more than once. What a time Julia and I had. We did have an emergency dentist visit for Julia on Friday morning. Bless her heart. They gave her some meds, told her she needed a root canal, and sent her on her way. After some careful consideration, and a trip to a local pharmacy, we ensued our adventures, Julia with bottle of Jack Daniels in hand, for the pain of course...... She still had a rough time, but I think the meds worked their magic, and she got to enjoy the weekend. Not the same could be said about her today, as she's had the root canal, and is hibernating at home. More on Julia in a moment... If you're from Texas, been to Texas, or are an honoray Texan (like Julia) you know how great it is to be there. It's Stock Show and Rodeo time in Fort Worth, which is a big deal to folks there. Julia and I looked ABFAB. It's nice to get dressed up now and then, cause we're small town folks these days, and it's a rare treat. It was an evening of cowboys, cowboys, and cowboys. Between the rodeo, and just the "scenery" milling aroud the event, it was a good time for all!!! After the rodeo, it was time to go dancing, again, which is a big deal to folks in Fort Worth. We, as in me and my 15 cousins, aunt and uncle and a few friends, all danced, and drank, and came real near a bitch fight. It couldn't have been more fun. Julia and I spent the rest of the trip relaxing in the sunshine and warm tempertures, shopping, and just enjoying our time. Of all the things we did this weekend, all the fun we had just driving, and stopping at tourist traps, of all that, the most important thing about the weekend was just having Julia there. I know she wasn't feeling good, and when I offered to turn the nehicle around to go home, she stuck it out, stayed on her meds, which she hates, and made the trip a good time. I'm at a very unsettled time in my life, looking for change, and trying to decide the best thing to do, and Julia listened while I talked it all out. She listened when I cried in frustration, when I griped, and when I just was thinking outloud. For that, I'm truly thankful. I hope that you all get to experience a friendship like that.
It's time for me to get back to work today, and continue my quest of shopping for an expresso machine. I'm not sure why I need one, but I justify it by the fact that there isn't a Starbucks for over an hour from where I am living. It's just a shopping mode now, I haven't actually bought anything yet. Right now, I'm in love with the Candy Apple red model.


At 4:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Texas T-bone here. I've been an honorary Texan for about 21 years now. Hope Julia is feeling better after the rc.

If you ever head down to FW and get bored, look me up. I'll probably be bored, too, or doing "honey-do's" around the house.

Take care, weary travelers.


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