The Road Home

Where two fabulous women spill most of their beans.


Alien Husband

I'm pretty sure my husband has been taken over by aliens. Mind you, this is NOT a complaint! For the past few months he has been attentive, sweet and down right romantic! This weekend we are going away to one of my favorite little retreats and in April he has planned a trip to Key West, FL for our anniversary. In the past month I have received about 5 dozen roses at key times complete with cute cards. This is a man that couldn't even plan for us to go out to dinner a few months ago.
The question is, what caused the drastic change? Actually, I'm not quite sure what did it. I'm not sure if this was a decision that he came to on his own or if he has just reacted to me changing my behavior. And I have changed my behavior. I started putting a lot more effort into my appearance, I'm a lot happier now that I have my store and am not miserable for 8 hours of the day. I started working out again and have a lot more confidence in my body than I did for awhile there. I never really 'let myself go', but I put on a few extra pounds and started wearing baggier clothing for that reason and because I was doing manual labor on the store. Before that I was cooking in a restaurant and wore old t-shirts, jeans and bandanas every day with minimal make up, not a great look for me. You are probably wondering why I care what caused the change, as long as it changed, right? Well because if we ever get in that rut again I want to know how to get out of it again.
It probably occured because of the combination. I don't think it hurt that I did a few tricks in the bedroom that I hadn't done in awhile that made him sit up and pay attention. Its amazing what great sex will do for a relationship! I know, sex can't completly change a relationship, but it doesn't hurt it either!
So for now, life is good.


At 11:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm, is he feeling guilty about something?

At 12:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Texas T-bone here ...

I was kind of thinking the same thing anonymous said, but I hadn't planned on saying it. A change in behavior doesn't automatically mean he did something wrong, though.

Anyhoo, sex is a key component, but not the all-healer. Its designed to make us closer and feel closer to our mate/lover/sig other. Guess what? It works!

At 2:52 PM, Blogger Joe said...

An Alien husband! hahaha. I'm glad it's Alien for the better. The minute he tries to insert metal probes into bad places, you will know that he has turned into the bad kind of alien. Then you run, k?


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