The Road Home

Where two fabulous women spill most of their beans.


Did I say that?

Do you remeber Steve Erkel, from that really annoying show? The one that wore his jeans too high, big glasses and always uttered the phrase, "Did I do that?" That is me, for example:

Did I say I would keep up the blog during and after the move?
Yes, I am a liar.

Did I say I would cut down drinking after we moved?
Yes, I am a liar.

Did I say I would never again work crazy, insane, long hours?
Yes, I am a liar.

Did I say I would unpack everything right away and get everything organized post haste?
Yes, I am a fucking liar.

Did I say we would have the time of our lives and Chesa would love it here?
Yes, and I fucking love it when I'm right! ;)

I swear I will update more soon....


Crazy as Fuck

Wow, holy busy!!! Sorry we haven't updated in awhile, but like Chesa said we are both working girls now!!! I work long days and when either one of us aren't making moolah, we are busy unpacking and cleaning up from Hurricane Dennis. Which by the way we did avoid, barely. Chesa and I spent the weekend in a disgusting hotel room in Ft. Lauderdale. By the way, if you ever consider vacationing in Ft. Laud, reconsider. It fucking sucks. No, really sucks. Chesa is also busy working on her music and making her homemade soaps, which are growing in popularity, yahoo!!! Life is good. Hubby and kiddies are here and not driving me TOO crazy, yet. It is still paradise and everytime I drive over one of the bridges it still hits me that I don't have to leave....Yowza, that fucking rocks.


In the zone......
Island zone is what I'm talking about. Time passes here, and I realize that we've been here a month. A MONTH! It's true, and we're still just as in love with it as when we got here, maybe more. We begin to appreaciate not having television, we move at a slower pace, love taking long walks, and drink a healthy amount. Oh yes, the island is growing on me. Both Julia and I are among the working class again. We have jobs that we enjoy, and it's been a while since we've been able to say that. I'm sorry we haven't kept up as much, we've been moving furniture working, and again, just lovin our lives. Hurry and come visit, we have lots of cool shit to show you!



Indigo Steve is letting me play with the cool kids by sending five questions, so here ya go!

1) If you had a boat, what would you name it?
Since I now live on the water, I'm actually going to get a boat. I think the name I like right now is 'The Drunken Slut'. Mainly because when someone asks me where I'm going I can say, 'Out on the drunken slut!'

2) When you are absolutely bored off your ass, what do you do?
This one is way too easy, there is a two part answer, I either read or drink. Sometimes both.

3) Be honest, how many pairs of shoes do you own?
Eeks! I'm really glad hubby doesn't read this site. Hang on, must count. Ok, this is going to sound like a really big number, but it includes flip flops and ballet slippers so, 58. Yikes.

4) Where is your "happy place"?
Driving down the road with the top off of my jeep.

5) Which of your hobbies do you find most entertaining and why?
Cooking, because there is always a delicous byproduct and I love to eat so much I really should
weigh about 500lbs.

Wow, I'm boring. Humph.
*Disclaimer, if you want to be like the cool kids, send me an email and I will attempt to make up witty questions just for you!


Independence Day
Happy July 4th, a couple of days early! This is by far my favorite holiday all year, next in line to Halloween, then St. Patrick's Day, and in that order. They are the over looked holidays. The ones that don't require alot of planning that included grumpy family members, or well planned meals. Instead, these favorite holidays of mine are mostly about drinking with friends, eating either burned hotdogs or too much candy, and no long lines at the shopping mall. July 4th in Texas was always such a big deal when I was growing up. Everyone was at the lake, again, drinking, grillin'. There were things to blow up with bottle rockets, and like all good holiday get togethers, most people were passed out at the end of the evening. Most of my July 4 celebrations have been spent singing somewhere, local town celebreation, a rodeo, someone's back yard, or working. I don't miss that aspect of my radio career. I can have the holiday off like everyone else, not to have to emcee some event and have to remain even half way sober so as not to yell out things "that's cool as shit man" on the mic when the big fireworks start. Julia and I have plans for this holiday as well, and they will be a year to remember. So far, it's free booze, hot guitar players, and plenty of people on sunset cruise. Somehow, the statement about it being a year to remember may prove to be untrue, depending on the amount of booze, I mean, patriotic spirit we participate in!! I don't know if this year will compete with the year we discovered that wearing 3-d glasses to watch fireworks with is something like being on drugs (not that I really know that feeling, but it's still cool as shit, man) and there are pictures of my family all running around, including my grandparents, in hot pink 3-d glasses. That year will be hard to beat.
I'm heading into this holiday weekend, quiet sad, even though it looks to be a blast. This is the one holiday I like being around the people I love. Christmas, people are bitchy, Thanksgiving, everyone's worried about Christmas, Easter, we've all been to church all morning, and we're feeling pretty guilty for all the pain we caused our Lord and Savior. But on July 4th, I want to watching the fireworks with someone I love. There's been a couple of good years that I've gotten to do that, and I've become a bit spoiled because of it. I want to see the nieces and eat potato salad my grandmother has made, and all be yelling at the kids not to "put an eye out with that firecracker. "It's been years since a scene like that has occurred in my life. I doubt that it will ever again be much like that. I sat in a bar last night, thinking about it, and wondered again if the death of my little brother changed us all so much that we can't be together like that without thinking of him, that my other brothers and I haven't really spoken since the funeral, not being able to look at each other without again, a reminder, or if it's just our stubborn selves, all of us, for blaming the hurt on those who are hurting as well. I don't' have the answer. If I did, we'd all be sitting around eating pototo salad. But for me, with the recent new beginning in my life, with a chance to start a life without memories on every turn, I hope this year will finally be an Independence Day, that in this new life, where being on an island tends to make people relax some, that maybe I can be free to enjoy the holiday once again, and start new memories.