The Road Home

Where two fabulous women spill most of their beans.



Indigo Steve is letting me play with the cool kids by sending five questions, so here ya go!

1) If you had a boat, what would you name it?
Since I now live on the water, I'm actually going to get a boat. I think the name I like right now is 'The Drunken Slut'. Mainly because when someone asks me where I'm going I can say, 'Out on the drunken slut!'

2) When you are absolutely bored off your ass, what do you do?
This one is way too easy, there is a two part answer, I either read or drink. Sometimes both.

3) Be honest, how many pairs of shoes do you own?
Eeks! I'm really glad hubby doesn't read this site. Hang on, must count. Ok, this is going to sound like a really big number, but it includes flip flops and ballet slippers so, 58. Yikes.

4) Where is your "happy place"?
Driving down the road with the top off of my jeep.

5) Which of your hobbies do you find most entertaining and why?
Cooking, because there is always a delicous byproduct and I love to eat so much I really should
weigh about 500lbs.

Wow, I'm boring. Humph.
*Disclaimer, if you want to be like the cool kids, send me an email and I will attempt to make up witty questions just for you!


At 9:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you lovely ladies are safe with that hurricane lapping at your heels. There are even bumps in the roads in paradise, but hopefully it'll blow over with no major problems!

– Texas T-bone


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