well, it's finally here. The big day is tomorrow! The bags under our eyes, and the excessive amount of smoking right now is proof. This is my last day at work, YAHOO! I'm finishing up a few things, then Julia and I are having dinner with my grandparents tonight. We will be en route through the weekend, so no blog lovin'. Give us a few days to get down there, a few days to get settled, and we should have some good stories for you! I'm really looking forward to the time Jules and I have together over the next month. The drive down will be great, that's what I'm looking forward to the most, but we'll have a few weeks that just her and I are down there, getting jobs, and getting started. Julias husband, her step kids and the dogs will come later with the moving truck. I love them all, I really do, but it will be nice for her and I to get a break from all of it for a while. No trying to get everyone to get their stuff packed, no worrying about how everyone is adjusting, not worrying about someone getting lost, or staying on the step kids to get jobs, hope they make new friends, hope they don't start drinking and going crazy, having sex and listening to rock and roll!!! Sorry....did I say we're a little tired and anxious right now? ( I don't have anything against sex and rock and roll...by the way) It'll just be nice for Julia and I to take a little break, to enjoy the pool, and the sun, and the new place.
We'll holler at y'all soon!
Have a greeeeat trip. Can't wait to hear how it went.
I rather like sex and rock'n'roll, but it is best left to us adults. I don't know what that crap is kids listen to nowadays is anyway. :-)
– TX T-bone
I'm so psyched for you two!
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