The Road Home

Where two fabulous women spill most of their beans.


What a weekend!

It had its ups, it definitly had its downs, but it wasn't too shabby. Saw some good fireworks, great cowboys and got to hear Chesa and my husband play music for some great people. On the other hand I had to clean up doggie runny doo doo from my carpet for a few hours on Saturday and came home to something that resembled where I live, but looked like a tornado struck it. It wasn't pretty. Lets just say my husband isn't much of a domestic god. The house was not messy, I can hadle messy. Messy is when there are some things that aren't put away, perhaps a towel on the floor, a dish or two in the sink, papers on the kitchen table. The house was FILTHY. The floors were disgusting and when you walked with bare feet on the linoleum, there were places you would get stuck to the floor. There were ants infesting my laundry room and the pet food. There were piles of dirty dishes with food stuck to them and new things growing, there was a dog fur rug in the bedroom that I think was an inch thick. I was so furious I couldn't even speak. Then my lovely husband decided to sit me down and proceeded to tell me how it was all my fault. Because I'm not home enough to do all of the cleaning. It would be an understatement to say that he was not in my good graces. If he would have erupted into a flaming ball I cannot say for sure that I would have peed on him to put the fire out. Thankfully by Sunday we had worked things out well enough so that I could speak to him again.
Sorry, I don't have time to list all of the good points of the weekend. I had to get that out of my system!


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