The Road Home

Where two fabulous women spill most of their beans.


A Full Moon

SumBitch! I just had this post all typed and ready to go and blogger just ate it. Which completly goes right along with the post, and convinces me that this is, in fact a conspiracy.

It must be a full moon. Or the tides are off. Or the planets are not aligned. Something! 90% of the men in my life are acting like complete ASSHOLES!!! This is not just limited to husbands (who happens to at this very moment be their king) but also coworkers, bosses, friends, clients, strange men on the street. And its not just me! Its happening to Chesa too! And of course there is evidence of men being assholes all over the blogging community. It just seems like there is more than usual right now. So, whatever it is, the moon, go away, the tides, please go back to normal, planets, realign. All of you pray for IT (whatever IT is) please go back to normal before I lose the last shred of sanity I have left. Thank you.


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