The Road Home

Where two fabulous women spill most of their beans.


Well, well, well....Chesa and I both had a wonderful evening. We drove up to Missouri to see our men and while Chesa got a tear jerking speech from his parents I got dinner and laid....blah blah blah.... I feel like a list. So, here are 20 more things you might not know about us and people we know.

1. My brother was just diagnosed with MS
2. Chesa has never participated in a 69 ( I just found this out and am still shocked)
3. I have made out underneath the bleachers during a pep rally (how cliche)
4. My Mother thinks I'm having a torrid affair with someone at work and is really excited about it. (I'm not having an affain, btw)
5. What we both really want to do is work at Barnes and Nobles during the day, and be bartenders at night while being fabulously rich
6. I find it comical when Chesa fights with her Mother, the dramatics are better than the movies
7. I have a new mantra and it is 'I am Fabulous, and don't you forget it' I say it to my husband often, and make him repeat it
8. Chesa wishes she could save the world. If she were in a beauty pageant and they asked her the life goal question, she would say 'World Peace' with a straight face, and mean it.
9. My husband thinks of Chesa as his best friend, sister, and other wife (without wifely benefits)
10. I hate horses
11. Chesa loves horses even though one broke her hip
12. High heels are Chesa's new passion even though she is 6' tall without them
13. At this moment I am wearing bright pink high heels that have rhinestones on them!
14. We are going skinny dipping this weekend
15. Chesa went to a christian college and had to talk about her ministry. That boggles my mind.
16. I work with a guy that always has puss coming off of his scalp because he spikes his thin hair so the sun burns his scalp daily. It is seriously disgusting.
17. I always score high on those 'are you bad' email tests and I really don't think I'm that bad!
18. I think I should be involved in some sort of sexual education because I don't think people are comfortable enough with their sexuality.
19. Chesa always has headphones around her neck, like a doctor with his stethascope
20. Blogging has turned us into better people.


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