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Reason #437 I'm a bitch

I rented The Notebook and finally watched it with the hubby last night. Why do I do this?! I had already browsed the book and knew it was kind of a sad, touching story. So, why, why, why did I let my husband watch it?!?! I hate watching these kinds of movies with him, because while I may get a little misty eyed, he cries. No, not even cries, but sobs. And I'm a bitch because this does nothing but truely annoy me!!!! Here is a 6'4", 260lbs. man crying! He is suppose to be a pillar of strength! I always thought I wanted a 'sensitive man', but this is ridiculous. It took him almost an hour to shut up after the movie.
Ok, I'm pausing here because I'm not exactly sure where to take this post. I have four different options, all weighing on my mind and I'm not sure which on I want to focus on. So, instead of delving into one, I think I will briefly hit on all 4.
1. I have had my fill for awhile of depressing/touching stories. While they don't always make my cry, they do make me contemplative which comes off to everyone else as depressed. Which makes them ask me over and over, what's wrong? Which really just further annoys me. What's wrong is that I am trying to organize my thoughts in peace and quiet, which is difficult if 'what's wrong?' keeps echoing in my ears, so shut up! (not you Chesa)
2. I was getting some last night and hubby thought I said someone else's name, which I did not, by the way. The really strange thing was that I sort of had someone else lingering in the very back of my mind and even though that it was not the person's name that he thought I uttered, it was still a little bit twilight zonish. It scares me sometimes that he knows me so well, he can feel what I'm thinking. Ok, that doesn't scare me, it terrifies me because most of my thoughts I would never say out loud.
3. I have been called another woman's name, but not in bed. My hubby called me by his ex wife's name once at a dinner party we had with some other couples. It didn't make me as mad as I thought that it should have, but more insecure that I've ever been. And I've never forgotten it.
4. I realized last night a reason that I might have for moving and it isn't a good one, and I don't want to talk about it and it scares the hell out of me.
These are some of the larger thoughts rambling about in my head right now.


At 4:58 PM, Blogger That Dude said...

If u dont want your hubby to cry during movies always make sure the movie has two IMPORTANT elemenets.

1. Karate
2. Titties

Thanks I'll be appearing here all week.


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