It was very emotional last night...and if you love Sex and the City like we do, then you would understand. It's so easy to associate with at least one of the girls, Sam, Charlotte, Miranda, or Carrie...there's something in each character that exists in me, and my girlfriends. Maybe that's why so many women watch it. It's suddenly ok to be single, and to not apologetic about it. IT'S ABOUT TIME!!!! Carrie has showed us that taking a chance, and even failing is ok. That not settling is the norm. Thus the fight with my cowboy man last night, post tears, and cosmos with the girls. He watched the final espisode with us, as is a practice. It's the arrangement that he watches that, and I watch you know what that means?!?!? No more Sex and the more Nascar!!! OH back to drama. Cowboy man says that I'm a range of emotions........yeah and? Cowboy man says that I am layered, and complicated sometimes.........yeah and? For the first time in any relationship, I wasn't apologizing for that. It's hard for you to keep up with me? Try harder, I'm worth it. You can't understand all the things going on in my head? Keep trying. I love my Cowboy man, there's no question. He loves me, again, not a question. But I know, not only because I've seen beautiful women be strong and smart, but because we watch Sex and the City as well. The women in my life are complicated, and have quirky habits, and struggles, and dreams, and most of all, the drive to be better, be stronger, and love as much as in their capability. That's the example, and the strength that I draw from when I think that things aren't like I dreamed they would be, or when reality is too harsh. That's what my good friends add to my life.
I love them.
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