The Road Home

Where two fabulous women spill most of their beans.


Happy Valentines Day. I hope you're doing someting fantastic, whether that includes flowers, or margaritas, or hell, a good movie at home with only yourself for company. Personally, I'm sitting here on the evening of the Love Holiday, waiting for my man to come pick me up, and we're going to grab a couple of burgers, drive around in the country, and listen to the radio. It's not the teddybears, and candy kinda celebration, but it's just what I would like this year. Someday I'll make him take me somewhere nice, when we're not both broke, and buy me flowers, take me to dinner, then make love to me for an obscene amount o time. For now though, something low key sounds great. I'm meeting up with Julia and her hubby later, we're going to pick and sing at some hole-in-the-wall bar not far from here. Then perhaps the obscene amount of lovemaking!!!


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