The Road Home

Where two fabulous women spill most of their beans.


I'm a Fuckin Yankeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AGH!!!! I just read a disparaging remark about southerners and said to myself, "why do they always have to stereotype us like that?". Then I went US?!?!?!?!?! I should NOT be an US in that sentence!!! I'm a YANKEE!!! I merely live in a southern state, I'm not really one of them! Someone help, they have started to turn me!!!!!! Very frightening.

That is a mere glimpse into my crappy day. I have been a bit depressed today about not finding a job, hubby is cranky about cash shortage because yours truly STILL does not have employment, but helps considerably spending! Oops. I thought this afternoon would be better because Chesa was going to come over and watch the taped version of Sex and the City from last night and I could chat and be girly. Instead, she didn't show up and I cleaned the downstairs of my house for FOUR hours. Including scrubbing floors.....................ick. Not really sure why Chesa didn't show up, but am a bit peeved about it. Doesn't help that monthly hormones are still askew, so am ceaselessly cursing her name now even though I'm truly not that mad. You understand if you are female......

So, now I'm sitting home alone on my fourth glass of wine watching it SNOW (please make note that yesterday when it was 50 degrees out I said, "Yeah, I'm ready for spring." - please note the irony) and thinking about being pissy and how in the hell I'm going to find a job that doesn't make me sick to think about or the pay doesn't make me wince. Hmmmm.... Gee, it sure is getting easier to stay positive.... FUCK!!!!!!!

That's about all I have to say right now, I hope you read this quick because by tomorrow I will probably regret this rant and erase it....


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