The Road Home

Where two fabulous women spill most of their beans.


Moving on up

I was actually in a good mood on the drive to work today. I had the windows down and the heater blasting along with some fantastic blues music. I focused on the blue sky, the only landscape that will not change by moving 1800 miles away from here. I will be able to see that same beautiful sky from my new home, but it will be accented by water, beaches, tropical foliage and people I don't know.

It's getting harder by the day to find happiness here. The next week and half I have approximatly 9,000 things to do, not the least of which is to get my house on the market. You have to understand that I love to paint and decorate, but my tastes are what some might refer to as eccletic. I have four different colors of stripes painted on the walls of one of my bathrooms. I had navy blue walls in my family room with free form, multi colored, layered squares over the blue. I'm currently repainting the family room a soft, buttery yellow and redesigning the entire house into plain, boring, so not me decorum. It depresses me just a little bit to let go of my work, to paint over it and erase it. It is not a canvas, I can't take it with me. When I get one of these ideas and start putting it on the walls my family tells me I'm nuts and says it looks weird, but when I start covering it up they complain that they will miss the squares. I guess my art needs time to grow people. The only thing that lifts my spirits is thinking about the new ideas for paint in the new house. Even if I don't have the actual house picked out yet, I'm working on the walls in my mind. I love that feeling of new ispiration, to try to reflect things I find beautiful and put it on a wall in an abstract way.


At 3:01 PM, Blogger Joe said...

It sounds as though you have really bold and creative taste. I'm so boring when it comes to my homes. Probably cuz I only live in them for a year at a time.

When things get crazy, it's good to focus on the fun part of the change. Redecorating, new ambiance, adventures that have never crossed your mind before.

I'd like to talk to you and Chess about this some more. I don't fully understand what happened to bring you to this decision. And you're both going, right?

Maybe I missed some key journal entries. I'll have to go back and comb through some of your archives.

Here's to hoping your day ended as beautifully as it began.

At 3:38 PM, Blogger Christa said...

no, you didn't miss anything, except maybe the stuff we leave out. This area is not only a socially challenged area, but it certainly not growing and delveloping either. Yes, we're both going, simply because the opportunity was there, and we couldn't stand by and watch as creative ideas were lost in small town politics and habits. Neither Julia nor myself are from here, and so we are always, in a way, being called to where the grass is greener, and honey the grass here and brown and crunchy!! Everything for a season, and a lady always knows when to make a fashionable exit. does that help any?

At 3:42 PM, Blogger Christa said...

besides, we have an ongoing list of reasons...check out "can you hear the ocean calling?"


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