The Road Home

Where two fabulous women spill most of their beans.


Vacation starting early...

My plans for last night were very simple. I was going to go grab a beer after work with Chesa, chat about vacation, come back to the store and finish up a few things. I was then going to head home at a reasonable hour and do some laundry, finish packing and clean my bedroom. The farthest I made on that list is grab beer. A $65 bar tab later, Chesa and I swerved back to my house and crashed and burned. The evidence left of this was my jeep parked sideways in my driveway this morning. Whoops.

So today, I'm dragging ass like a dog with worms and am trying very hard to complete my never ending to do list before I leave tonight. The only thing keeping me alive are flashbacks from last night...

*Hearing the very adorable bartender say the following, "Two hot women, who drive jeeps, drink whiskey shots, and watch baseball? Yeah, you are my fantasy." Thank you for that ego stroke. PS - go Red Sox.
*Thinking about making out with cute bartender.
*Hearing the girl next to us talk about getting her boob job done tomorrow.
*Seeing pictures of dressed up penises. Including one wearing a shoe and wondering just exactly what size that shoe was.
*Finding two new customers for my store, thanks to Chesa's awesome PR skills.
*Hearing somebody tell Chesa's boyfriend that he is pretty much an idiot.
*Talking to Chesa's grandparents while drunk and hearing them say "Don't worry, Jesus loves you."
*Catching up on all of the town's latest gossip.
*Chesa telling a guy that she works with that its OK about what happened today at work, that guy wasn't there to arrest him.....
*Getting to see Chesa completly drunk, which is quite the rarity! And Damn funny.

I'm sure there are plenty more, but that is all I can recall so far.


At 11:10 AM, Blogger Christa said...

The whiskey makes it hard to recall some details...but they come back to me. I remember yelling at the baseball go Yankees

At 2:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Around here it's mostly about pickup trucks – with a few Jeeps thrown in. My fantasy used to be a hot woman driving either one until I saw an absolutely gorgeous woman changing her own oil. THAT was nearly enough to make me swerve into a ditch while I gawked.



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