The Road Home

Where two fabulous women spill most of their beans.


Another interview! This time, from our favorite gay new yorker....Joe!

The Rules:
1. If you want to participate, leave me a comment saying, "interview
2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person's will be
3. You will update your journal with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others
in the
same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five

1) Have you EVER had a lesbian encounter? More than a kiss.

There was an experimental moment back in the day, but it didn’t get any further than making out and groping. It just didn’t feel right, I don’t have anything against lesbians and I do think women can be very sexy.

2) Your husband tells you that you must choose between him and Chesa.
You know where this one is going...who do you choose and why?

That is a very hard question! I think I would have to choose my husband because he can give me sex, and Chesa can’t! Seriously, I don’t know how I would live without either one of them. Chesa’s job could take her a million places and while I want her to be successful and happy I don’t know what I will do if she decided to move someplace far away.

3) What is one thing that a friend could do to you to make you sever
the ties with them?

I can get rid of friends pretty easily because I’m easily annoyed and don’t put up with shit. If I think a person is being fake or trying to be somebody they aren’t I will cease speaking to them immediately. Other, more serious reasons would be sleeping with my husband or hurting someone I love for starters.

4) Describe a challenge that you have faced in your life and explain
how you overcame it.

A challenge that I have had in my life is that I was pretty much left on my own when I was about 16. My parents were going through hard times and kind of forgot that they had a daughter. So, I decided to take a job with a dance company and move to Chicago for six months to train. When my training was done, I moved back to Wisconsin, but not with my parents. I moved in with my brother and took responsibility for myself by getting a second job so I could contribute to rent, a car, and save for college.

5) And for my one disgusting ready?? it
is...Some weird, rich dude offers you a million dollars if you will perform a sexual act (for at least 10 minutes) on one of the following. Which do you choose and why?
a) A yeast encrusted vagina, slathered in herpes
b) A flaccid, uncut dick dripping with moldy cheese (HORK!)
c) An ass covered in hair and numerous, variously covered
d) A doggie penis

This is by far the most disgusting question than even my sick mind could have thought of! I’m going to choose C because the only sexual thing I could do with an ass would involve a strap on, so my skin wouldn’t actually have to touch it.


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