The Road Home

Where two fabulous women spill most of their beans.


ok, this one couldn't wait. My pa'dner here at work is more shallow that most men. He's just a typical man, I suppose, and I'm about to quote him. No, I'm not man bashing, no I'm not a feminist, I just shake my head and nod to keep from throwing this lamp at him. This kind of talk doesn't go on the air, just know that.
This is the man that grabs the boobs of the weather girls on tv, and this morning, somehow we got on the subject of his current "sqeeze". He's draggin' his feet, and I'm figuring it's just cause he's a guy, right? Come to find out, and I do quote "she's got surprisingly nice hooters, but she doesn't cook, and she doesn't suck d*ck. What was I thinking?!?!?" and again, I quote, "every guy wants a little slut in their relationship. But just to him. You girls do the maintenence (sp?) and we'll take out the trash."
I see now why I remain single. And dont' think he's not a nice guy, cause he is. He's even a southern guy, but I guess if this is the general thougth process........thank god for my nice boy. Then again, is this the way it turns out after a few years?......
No!! happy thoughts of texas :)


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