The Road Home

Where two fabulous women spill most of their beans.


Happy New Year to you, Happy New year to you, Happy New year dear bloggers ............ Happy New Year to you!!! Time for resolutions, and rearranging the furniture. I love the new year, maybe it's the feeling of a fresh start, or the possibility that anything can happen in the new year. It's also a time to reflect on the crap you've done over the last year. It's on the bigger and better things, hopefully. This past year of my life has been pretty pointless. It's been a time of transition, and time of change, and a time to stop, look around, and examine what life is all about. This has been my "sittin' spell" as I call it. It's been wonderful to be so close to my friends, to run to the creek for a beer or impromptu supper. Thus the title of the blog, "THE ROAD HOME. I wonder if Julia knew how signifacant that name would be in our quest to find the road that leads us home..........
I've spent a year only a few miles from my Cowboy Man, not a state away like the first year and a half of our relationship. It hasn't been a bad year, there have been good things about it. It's just that when you average the good and the bad, I'm rating it about a 4. No maybe a 5. This is the time of year that people start to think about changes, and I am among them. I keep thinking about running far away, to some place I've always wanted to live, New Orleans is one, I like Memphis or back to my home state of Texas. Lots of things on my mind, but the one that never changes is my love for the people that are important to me. Julia and Cowboy man. They are the go juice for my motivation most days. My goal this year is to be as significant to them as they have been to me, in whatever form that takes: being a better me, accomplishing a goal, or just calling on the phone to say hi.
More resolutions will follow, I'm sure. Like I said, lots on my mind right now. It doesn't help that Julia is out of town visiting her family for the's quiet without her.


At 9:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Texas T-bone here ...

I hope the road you travel in 2005 leads you where you want to go. You probably already know this, but some unsolicited advice: I've never known of any place on Earth that is worth living apart from the people you love. If you can't take 'em with you, then the road isn't worth traveling. Happy New Year and God bless.

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