The Road Home

Where two fabulous women spill most of their beans.


Is it really fall already? Little doubt is left when the tempertures turn cooler, and the leaves are falling...BREAK OUT THE HOT COCOA!!!!! There are so many things to love about this time of year. Fuzzy socks, and warm blankets, cozy scarves and weather that allows you to stay home and stay cuddled up on the couch. Unfortunetly, it's time to put on a happy face and get together with all your crazy family for the holidays. (If you knew my crazy, southern baptist family, you'd know why I put it that way)
Julia has successfully opened her new store, and it's ROADHOME proud. Classy, yet sassy, delightfully tacky, yet unrefined, to borrow a phrase from Hooters. It's lovely, and I hope you'll all get to see it some day.
It's been a rather tough season for me, though I do try to see the good side of things. I'm looking for the words to tell my story right now, and I'm not finding them. When I do, I'll be sure to pass it along
Until then...toodles


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